Embark Investments

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Embark Investments offers a range of five active, globally diversified, volatility managed, multi-asset portfolios, to retail investors. Embark Investments is the Authorised Corporate Director (ACD) of the Funds.

Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Funds

The five Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Funds are designed to match five typical attitudes to risk, or risk profiles, aligned to the EValue (EV) five-point risk scale of 1 to 5.

Each Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Fund is designed to adapt to changing marketing conditions and grow investments through a combination of income and capital growth over the medium to long term, (5 or more years), whilst remaining within its respective risk profile.

The Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Funds invest in a number of underlying funds, set by the Investment Manager, which in turn can invest in a mix of assets including equities, bonds, and cash. The higher the risk profile of the Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Funds, the higher the expected risk of the underlying funds it invests in.

Quarterly Report

The quarterly report is a comprehensive Embark Horizon Multi-Asset Fund Range review of allocation activities, performance, risk ratings, and market commentary.

This report not only discusses our latest views and current exposures but explains how this has affected Fund performance.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about the Embark Investments Horizon Funds please visit our website.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and the value of investments (and any income from them) can go down, so an investor may get back less than the amount invested. No guarantee is given for the performance of the Funds.