
Below you will find the latest articles covering a wide range of thought leadership topics relevant to the wealth management sector. Articles are written by contributors from Embark’s businesses as well as other partners and providers and are not promotional or sponsored.

These articles are intended for prospective and current clients i.e. business professionals, regulated financial advisers and intermediaries only.

LV= launches 'Platform Services' powered by Embark

By Embark Group

Press Release, White label, White Label Platform

Investment, protection and retirement specialist LV= has today fully launched its 'Platform Services' option for advisers in a partnership with Embark.

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Is this a new era for Wealthtech?

By Embark Group

White Label Platform

Advances in robo-advice, AI, and hyper-personalisation have all presented the wealth management industry with an opportunity to revolutionise the delivery of investment and wealth management solutions.

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Platform due diligence in the consumer duty age

By Embark Group

White Label Platform

The FCA’s Consumer Duty has significantly altered the nature of platform due diligence for advice firms. A more assertive and data-led FCA now expects advisers to consider a range of foreseeable harms within the context of the total value that clients derive from a platform and its products.

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Risks to the platform market

By Embark Group

White Label Platform

Ross Easton, Head of Platform Propositions discusses current risks in the platform market, the suitability of ‘adviser-as-platform’ models and whether a platform could fail.

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What is driving advisers to slow the white-labelling trend?

By Embark Group

White Label Platform

Our Intermediary Distribution Director, Ranila Ravi-Burslem caught up with Citywire to discuss the trend of white labelling, what this means for advisers and what is next for the industry.

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Adviser platforms are not a binary debate

By Embark Group

White Label Platform

The debate around adviser-as-platform has become increasingly polarised. At one end, advisers are being vociferously encouraged to take on full-fat platform ownership. At the other end, there is a widely held belief that advice firms should focus on their core USP of advising clients, since full-fat ownership involves full-fat costs and full-fat risks.

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