Social impact

As a responsible business, we feel that it is important to have a positive effect on society and the communities in which we operate, and we are proud to be involved in several charitable and community initiatives. We also love to recognise the wonderful things that our staff do for their communities. We ask our employees to nominate for recognition, those who they feel go ‘above and beyond’ both in their jobs and in their own time, whether by volunteering, fundraising, taking on community projects or simply helping others.

Everyone who contributes to charitable organisations and their community is a huge source of inspiration that personifies our commitment to building a better society.

Dundee Tech School

Launched in November 2023, the Dundee Tech School is a brand new fintech hub, based in Embark’s Dundee office, that is dedicated to developing a pipeline of talent in engineering, data, tech and cyber. In conjunction with QA Consulting, twelve junior developers were put through their paces in an 8-week intensive software engineering training programme. This was followed by a twelve-week ‘incubation lab’, led by the tech school lead, Rose Ulldemolins who worked closely with the Embark engineering team to design and develop the internal training programme.

The school, which was supported by Scottish Enterprise, is playing a leading role in solving the acute skills and recruitment challenge for technology businesses nationwide. With its people-first approach, this initiative frontloaded essential learning, and empowered students to develop their confidence and commercial productivity within six months. The first cohort has now graduated and moved into permanent software engineer roles.

Following the success of the inaugural programme, we’re now recruiting a new cohort for the intensive training and development who are due to join the business in October.

1 in 10 new job openings in the UK are now technology related and Embark’s tech school is helping to fill the gap in training for graduates and new starters interested in a career in technology in Dundee.

For further information please contact us.

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Photograph of the first cohort of attendees to the Dundee Tech school

Employee Driven Charitable Giving

As part of the Lloyds Banking Group family, we are supporting Crisis, the Group Charity Partnership for 2023/24, by holding various fundraising activities and encouraging colleagues to get involved with organised events throughout the year.

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Lloyds Banking Group Charity Partnership with Crisis

Through the partnership with Crisis, the aim is to end Homelessness through Housing, achieved through a variety of programmes that the partnership will deliver. We are also working with Simon Community in Northern Ireland.

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Boomerang Community Centre is a charity based in Dundee which provides a range of services and activities for the local community in the Stobswell area. This includes running a food larder, youth clubs, mum and baby groups and wellbeing groups to name a few. Boomerang is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment that encourages people to come together to learn new skills, make friends, and have fun. They provide hot meals, social interaction, and help improve people’s mental and physical wellbeing. The food larder and donations help provide affordable solutions for anyone struggling in this cost-of-living crisis.

We organise various fundraising activities and help to keep their community larder stocked with colleague donations. This charity provides an invaluable service to the local Dundee community, and one Embark is proud to support.

“Everyone at Boomerang is delighted for Embark’s continued support. This will allow us to continue to assist the most vulnerable people living in our community. We have seen a huge increase in families accessing our Community Food larder due to the cost-of-living crisis and your support makes life a lot easier for many families.”

Alison Carr, Development Worker

Women in Asset Servicing

Since March 2021, Embark Group have sponsored the networking group, Women in Asset Servicing (WiAS). WiAS is a partnership designed to increase support for women at all stages of their careers in financial services. Embark provides practical support, resources and expertise to WiAS to further increase the reach and impact of the group.

Since the partnership began, Embark have helped WiAS increase the membership to over 1,000 members, launched a Luxembourg chapter of the network, established a mentor initiative, hosted 20+ events, created a regular newsletter and created a vibrant website. Find out more about the network on the website and read about the latest news on the LinkedIn page.

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Two individuals with curly hair, one wearing headphones, in front of computer screens
Female and male professionals collaborating over a laptop at a table
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"Our ongoing collaboration between The Embark Group and Women in Asset Servicing is really bearing fruit for the network. The network has grown over the last year and we are reaching out further into the UK, Ireland and into the US. Ideas flow across what now feels like a single team for WiAS and Embark, often more ideas than we can actually sensibly deliver in any one time! We are also growing in purpose and we launched our campaign encouraging personal bravery in 2022, the year we emerge from working solely from home and to encourage networking again. The engagement with The Embark Group has been and continues to be transformational and we cannot thank you enough for your time, patience and expertise."

Kate Webber, Founder of Women in Asset Servicing
"Thanks to the support from The Embark Group, our network has truly now arrived! Whilst many people have worked tirelessly over the last few years to launch and grow the network, the support we have received has moved us to the next level and enabled us to support existing members more easily and attract new joiners. I look forward to experiencing the continued enthusiasm from everyone at WiAS and The Embark group as we continue on our journey to be a ‘force for good’ in the industry."

Gillian Hepburn, UK Intermediary Solutions Director, Schroders & Member Of The Advisory Board